Thursday, February 23, 2017

Well, I haven't given up yet

I started to update this blog last summer. It is what it is.

Months go by. So much happens. Here's the latest (sort of). In April 2016, PG&E came and replaced some gas lines on my street, and then in early June sent a contractor to fix the hole that had been left in the street (appropriately covered, I hasten to add). A gorgeous CAT backhoe showed up out front, and I ran out to take photos to share with my 4-year-old grandson and his sister. I liked the photo, so posted it on Instagram and facebook, and one of my online "friends" commented that I should be drawing it. I replied that at 100 degrees Farenheit outside I wasn't interested, but might try something from a photo. She immediately suggested we BOTH do a sketch from the photo. I liked that idea, but it took me a while to get around to doing it. (Expert procrastinator here.)

Speaking of procrastination--it is now February 2017, and I am finally getting around to making this blog update. I had to figure out how to add the .jpg to the blog. Not difficult when I finally did it...

The original I actually had framed (it fits in an 8.5x11 frame with a small mat) and gave to the grandson for Christmas! It's sketchy. I thought I would do a "better" one, but it is what it is. So there.