Friday, February 27, 2009

Some new watercolor

So today in the Beyond Traditional Watercolor class we practiced a very traditional method: glazing. Laying down a wash, letting it dry, then painting another wash over to achieve darker tones. I used a photo of canna leaves that I took several years ago, when I moved to Ukiah. The canna plants have long since disappeared...wait, maybe these were at that vineyard I used to visit to paint plein matter, it's a great photo, the sun shining through some of the leaves, creating shadows and complex patterns. The painting exercise ended up not looking very much like the photo, but I enjoyed the process, watching the colors change and deepen. And I learned some things, too. And even though it doesn't look like the photo, it pleases me on several levels. So there you are. It's about 8 x 10 inches.
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  1. Very cool. I love the graceful curves and interesting colors produced in your glazing process...good job!

  2. your paintings are one of their kind! I love your style.
    keep on posting your work:)) you are doing great!

  3. Beautiful! I love the pattern of color and value in this.

  4. Nice painting, really lovely glazing. Thx for visiting my blog, too.
