Thursday, May 20, 2010

Photoshop Final Project

So I have been taking this Photoshop class, as I may have reported. Here is my final project, a self-portrait. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, although after I finished I thought of several other things I could have done. And this wasn't the FIRST thing I tried. For me, the hardest part is deciding WHAT to do. Figuring out HOW to do it is the fun part.
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Monday, May 3, 2010

Twice in one day?

Somehow I got it backwards. The Weibel painting was done with the Winsor and Newton set, and the Campovida was done with the Sennelier. Does this really make a difference to anyone but me? Why did I bring 2 travel sets in my bag? The obvious answer is I am totally nuts. Duh.

Here I am!

It seems I'm just not a daily blogger. I always think I will be, but then life takes over and I do something else instead. But last weekend I went to several wineries in our beautiful Mendocino county and was inspired. I actually did 2 watercolor sketches in plein air, with other people all around! Sketching in public!

So, here they are. What do you think? They are 6" x 10", top one with W & N travel kit and pen and ink, bottom with Sennelier travel kit. It was a great weekend.