Friday, January 30, 2009

Something New

Something is better than nothing, right? Well, here's something. My sweetie gave me this tiny rose in a little tin "pail" and I decided before it dies (I do not have a naturally green thumb) I should preserve it somehow. Here's how I did my larger Moleskine sketchbook, with Pentel brush pen and watercolor crayon applied with a waterbrush. Personally, I don't think it is a great drawing, so many things are "wrong"--the perspective and the colors, to name a couple--but it speaks to me, and will always remind me of a loving gesture. For me, that's more important than being correct. And it makes me smile.


  1. It's so pretty. I like it. If you look at Matisse and Cezanne they deliberately altered/played with perspective so this could be a great master one day!

    I love your postcard below too.

  2. How true, how true! I think it's delightful.
